“While mom was at the gym I ate grandma’s wicker basket”
Posts Tagged: Labrador Retriever
Hairy Situation
My mom left me home while she went to work, so I ate her hairbrush.
Revenge of the PJ snatchers
I left to go to school; he never likes being alone. So he took out his vengeance on my pajamas.
Betrayed by the need to poop
I slipped out the door as my human was leaving for work, and nearly gave him a heart attack. After a playful 2-block game of chase (traumatic spree of panic), I was finally caught while stopping to poo.
Ain’t falling for no banana in my tailpipe!
Sometimes I draw the line at banana peels.
Only sometimes.
Editor’s note: While banana peels aren’t toxic, they could cause intestinal blockage if swallowed whole. Banana peels are very fibrous and difficult to digest.
There’s Pie in the Lab
I snuck in the employee’s break room and ate their pie!
Labs are so food driven and this senior (9) is appropriately named Rebel. Our salesman brought in two homemade pies for the employees and placed them in the break room, he forgot that Rebel would think one was for him.
No pot of gold yet…..
“I eat crayons. Later, I poop rainbows.” Harvey, our yellow lab, devours crayons if they are left out. Then he has rainbow poop– literally. My kiddo included her artistic rendition of it on the sign. Perhaps Harvey longs to be a unicorn?
This month’s centrefold
Our 1 year old Black Lab Trooper likes to take anything that is posted on the fridge, our new 2015 Calendar was the latest casualty, apparently he was hoping for an appearance on the 2016 calendar.
And the award for worst guard dog goes to…
I’m supposed to keep the chickens out of the house.
George did it.
This is George. George is 3 and was adopted from the humane society 10 months ago. George has the sweetest disposition and loves EVERYONE… Except six pillows, Santa, pajama pants, underwear, the couch, and a 10lb bag of flour. Those things MUST be destroyed. TODAY. George’s mom apologizes for ‘hashtagging’ wrong, she is too busy cleaning up to fix the sign and well… It’s pretty obvious who did it!