Obi is named for a powerful Jedi, but he cant seem to stay away from the Dark Side.
The Dark Side wins again

Obi is named for a powerful Jedi, but he cant seem to stay away from the Dark Side.
I’m so excited for Christmas that I can’t stop opening the gifts. Surely they are all for me! – Jake
My son’s service dog-in-training after making a very bad choice.
Every day after work I take Stella into the woods next to our apartment for her nightly exercise. Three days in a row she decided to ignore me and instead roll in the most foul smelling animal carcass she could find. With dad working in Kansas, I had to bathe her in our tiny apartment bathroom every time she decided to do this. On the third night I decided to share with him our new nightly routine.
“We ate the bread crumbs mom gave the starving birds”
-30 below zero i felt sorry for the birds, while I checked the wood stove the dogs ate the crumbs. I didn’t say a word, I just pointed at where the crumbs were, the dogs wouldn’t give me any eye contact.
I pooped in the house 5 minutes after Daddy brought me in from a 30-minute walk. I AM NOT WORTHY.
Minnie May got into a box of holiday things in my apartment while I was at work- I was reorganizing some closets and had not yet finished. She decided the manger scene looked appetizing. Her shame sign reads “I ate Baby Jesus’ manger! #goingtohell.” She is a mess.
Kona LOVES her remote controls. DirecTV has made a bundle off our little black lab. She has enough bones to fill any other dog up, but when the remote is in her reach – watch out!
Astro got into this box of straws while I was taking a shower! He loves to make big messes every chance he gets- he’s luck he’s so cute and loveable!
This is Stan and Milt as “The Most Disgusting Dog in the World”.