I attempted to serve myself some pie.
Sweet Surprise

I attempted to serve myself some pie.
Mae has to be supervised around the Christmas Tree. She’s chewed branches and scattered needles around the living room. She also has gotten into the cat litter a few times. It sticks to her nose and her breath smells like the expensive litter!
My personal copies of the dogshaming coloring book arrived late last week and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. The pages are awesome, hilarious, and who knows, if your submission has ever been published on dogshaming, you might just find your pooch gracing the pages of this awesome coloring book. We also have calendars and the NYT best selling self-titled book available.
Good news Canada, amazon.ca has released their copies of the coloring book so you can still order them in time for the holidays! Spread some colorful cheer and give the gift of dogshaming to everyone big and small! For a super special secret offer, click here (or to see what the inside of the coloring book looks like!)
Tucker is 9 months old and has developed the technique of playing dead whenever he doesn’t want to do something. Even though he is able to jump up into the low elevation of the Prius he refuses to do it voluntarily and prefers to place his front paws up and then have his rear paws lifted up. When I don’t cooperate he plays dead and poor poodle Scarlett has to impatiently wait while I try to move him from his passive protest position.
My name is Bruce. I made my grandma fall in my mad attempt to get to her house.
I pried open the pantry and took the food colouring and chewed it up on the couch and bed while mom and dad slept.
My Mum’s not going to be a very good small animal vet…
Because my farts make her heave!!!
Kosey Cat and the family dog, Murphy, really despise one another. To get on Murphy’s nerves, he follows him around and always lies right next to him when he tries to sleep.
My mom and sister went to the ice rink and I helped myself to sushi with a side of Wasabi from the trash can, but I left the soy sauce alone. I am not ashamed.
Dodger dug up a nest of lizards at daycare. The staff moved the dogs to a different field to give the lizards a chance. They carried Dodger and when they put him down, he laid his head on the ground and after several minutes opened his mouth and out hopped two lizards. They were fine. However, later that week a rooster flew over the fence at daycare and met his demise.