Jake ate Dora
Boots told me to do it!

Jake ate Dora
I brought my mommy a dead rat as a gift. She was not happy! (EWWWWW)
Rocco loves to scent roll. He has to make sure it gets on his collar too. Nasty!
I love my new mom and dad so much I repaid them by tearing into the arm of their living room chair with my razor sharp claws. What does dad mean when he says if I don’t knock it off, I’m going to the v-e-t? I’m only 3, I can’t spell!
I didn’t want dad to get ahead of me in Game of Thrones, so I ripped up his book.
…winter is coming…
Penni enjoys shredding all forms of paper into piles all around the house. There is no limit to her paper choice and has included bills and other mail, trash, toilet paper, and even the kid’s homework. Too bad “my dog ate my homework” is the oldest excuse in the book because with our dog-hamster around it can be and has been legit!
Stella is a rescue who has been know for destroying a thing or two since we adopted her. She is so sweet. We just moved to a new house a few weeks ago. Today, I noticed some fabric on the floor, and thought it was a remnant from my sewing box, until I saw the sheers in our formal living room. She admitted to doing it- (her antennae looking ears drooped when I asked.) I know she’s sorry.
Sammy is petrified of bubbles so Geisha protects her by chasing after them! What a good big sister!
After a much anticipated kayak trip to go out and find sand dollars, my dog ate some of our finds! His sign says, “I just ate sand dollars my mom found at the beach!”
Thanks to me, mom & dad can’t have anything nice. This is the 2nd FitBit that I have destroyed. And they don’t even taste that good.