We are currently fostering (and soon adopting) a 2 year old we’re-not-sure-what-you-are mix. She has slowly been getting accustomed to living in a house and sharing a space with two 3-year old cats (that want nothing to do with her). The other morning as I was getting ready to make some coffee, I hear Indy racing around in the living room. I come out of the kitchen expecting to see her chasing one of my cats but instead she stops and tosses a piece of poop in the air and lets it land on the carpet before she pounced on it and put it back in her mouth. The caption reads “The cats won’t play with me so I played with their poop instead”.
Paddy is the sweetest and most loving dog you will ever meet. He is a rescue and BFFs with my 16 month old daughter. We love him dearly. He just has one minor flaw… he will poo in the house as soon as I leave him. No matter how long I am gone. Whether it be 3 minutes or 3 hours, there is guaranteed to be a massive poo. And it is ALWAYS in the same spot in the hallway. But, look at that face. How can you stay mad?!
Snoopy (our pit bull/field spaniel mix) ripped open this new box of 168 diapers that we received at a baby shower. Although he may not seem excited for the birth of our first baby, he certainly does look sorry for his transgressions.
I’ve had my stuffed hamster since I was about 12 years old(over 20 years). It has always been a conversation piece in our home when people came to visit. I had placed “Oatmeal” the stuffed hamster at the front door to take to work. We had gone out for the night, and when we came home our dog Narf decided that he thought Oatmeal looked like a good meal. There was both laughter and tears when discovered. Narf may be 15 years old, but he’s still got it!
I left Persephone alone for a whole hour. Her sign says “I ate an almost full bag of liver-flavored treats. I regret everything.” Poor girl had a bellyache the rest of the night.