I ate the gingerbread house out of the box, because you didn’t take me with you.
Posts Tagged: Great Dane
37, in dog years?!
Came back home and Xander had ate all the birthday cupcakes for his human brother.
You Are What You Eat
I’m a Cookie Monster -Oreo
Our aptly named Great Dane, Oreo, decided to counter surf while we were out, demolishing an entire batch of freshly baked cookies
The Great Danish Bake-Off
Tink is a very sweet puppy who has about 35 different chewy toys she loves to play with. This morning, she decided to chew up her Daddy’s favourite oven mitt while we were still lying in bed because he stopped playing fetch with her.
I Honestly Don’t Know how big I Really am…
All Febe Buffay wanted to do was play with her neighbour…
Cashmere is Delicious
I tore mom’s cashmere scarf into pieces and shredded an entire roll of poop bags (while they were at the grocery store for 20 minutes)
Part Goat??
Cadence was put outside to play with her brother Panzer decided she was going to chew the gate rather then play with him.
Do These make me look Smarter?
Fran enjoys a tasty pair of glasses anytime we forget to hide them.
The Great Danish Bake-Off
Atlas, the 2 year old Dane, always wants to help in the kitchen. He decided we didn’t need all the flour. Also, wet flour is not fun to get out of the carpet.
My manhood for your man cave
This is revenge for taking my man parts.