New shoe thief
There’s no Shoe Like Home, There’s no Shoe Like Home, There’s no Shoe Like Home.

New shoe thief
Buttercup loves to take each and every toy out of her toy basket and spread them across the lawn, but then seems confused by the empty basket… What a fun game!
She gave up being contrite on her 13th birthday…
Sadie loves socks and even though she is a mature dog and should know better, she cannot resist devouring any sock she finds. She especially like’s our 12 year old son, JP’s expensive Nike socks.
We ate the floor.. Because our mom mentioned she wanted to put down tile! We thought we’d help with ripping up the old floor.
In the twelve months I’ve been in my new home, this what I have destroyed:
12 – Window Blinds
11 – Scratched Doors
10 – Holes in the Ponds
9 – Toilet Roll Holders
8 – Kitchen Throw Rugs
7 – Pairs of Shoes
6 – Jacket Linings
5 – Golfing Hats
4 – Pairs of Glasses
3 – Crown Moldings
2 – Doggie Collars, and
The Carpet in the Master Bedroom!
Mom just vacuumed up all my hair all over the house so I decided to bring inside and chew up this stick into tiny pieces. Not even a little bit sorry, I hate the vacuum.
My name is Millie and sometimes I get too friendly with not alive things. Like Mummy’s coat. The shoe box. My bed. But horsey is my favourite. I love horsey. I know now that I love horsey more than I should. Daddy says that I mustn’t do that to horsey now because it upsets the small people who own horsey and it’s definitely not okay when daddy’s friends are here in the big house with their own small people. Sometimes what I do to horsey makes small people cry and daddy has to say sorry a lot and make me wait outside until small people have gone away. I really like small people. But I still like horsey best.
Literally, he will take the pillow out from under me when I am sleeping on it, and then fight me for it.
Skipper was having a rough time on our walk to the park the other day. She was just done. After trying to get her to get moving again; I finally had to borrow someone’s phone and call my husband to pick us up. As I was leaving the park; a very nice lady told met that she wished she had her Lourdes water so she could bless the dog. She also told me that she was on her way to church, and would be praying for us during the Stations of the Cross. It must have worked–she is back to her old good-walking self again!
Her sign: I was SO bad at the park today–A woman wanted to bless me with Holy Water!