I’m Toby and I love every baby toy I can get my mouth on. This time the mobile wasn’t safe. Who doesn’t love Pooh and friends?
Craddle-robbing pooch!

I’m Toby and I love every baby toy I can get my mouth on. This time the mobile wasn’t safe. Who doesn’t love Pooh and friends?
“Each time my paws touch stair #3, I fart really loudly. Thank God my parents have terrible hearing. I am disgusting.” – Gretchen
We no longer have surround sound because I chewed the cord.
I brought mouthfuls of dirt into the house.
I am not sorry,
I eat dirty kleenex when no one is looking
When our owner arrived home, two short hours before our human sister’s birthday party, she discovered we had eaten all 24 birthday cupcakes – brightly coloured wrappers and all.
We often come home to find daddy’s dirty underwear in the middle of the bedroom floor and Barley looking very shameful! This time, he needed some public shaming.
“I ate my mom’s shoe for breakfast. And I enjoyed every moment.” My 6 month old golden retriever Felix finally discovered how fun chewing shoes can be. If only he had picked my boyfriend’s shoe instead!
She loves to splash around all of the water and get all wet and muddy! But then I realize what I have done, and I suddenly get thirsty.
Look, I found your underwear… that I’d hidden. Clyde loves to sneak into our bedroom and steal underwear and socks – she’s obsessed!