My son left his bedroom door open when he went to school, and Percy helped himself to the hermit crab food.
Mommy’s a bit crabby now

My son left his bedroom door open when he went to school, and Percy helped himself to the hermit crab food.
I ate a pillow and left it.
The perils of leaving a puppy home alone with the brand new pillows.
She has a knack for getting a lot of stuffing out of a very small hole. She can destroy any toy in less than 24 hours.
I bark at nothing for no apparent reason at 2:30 in the morning. Abby likes to voice her opinion to the world right outside my bedroom window in the middle of the night.
I woke up to a gift from Olive.
“When I think no one is watching, I like to go in the bathroom and blow bubbles in the toilet.”
Sorry the word “when” is obfuscated by Dakota’s maw. She also thinks paper is a delicacy, but that’s a Dog Shame for another submission.
I called 9-1-1 and Dad was fined $50.
My husband moved the fence in our back yard, leaving it uneven where it opens. Maybell, our then 3 year old Golden Retrieve took it upon her self to make an exit for her and her lab sister, Maggie. They only problem is Maggie is shorter and about 10 pounds lighter then she is. Maggie escaped to freedom in the front yard, while Maybell was stuck and couldn’t move forward to backwards. There are now landscaping timber to prevent any further escape attempts….
“I bullied our foster dog”. Bo was not being a very good host to our sweet foster dog so he went to time out. I think he’s sorry.
Recently, our older cat has had to switch to a more fatty wet cat food. Thanks to Lenny she hasn’t even had a chance to taste it.