Nearly drown myself and mother chasing ducks instead of the ball!!!!
Posts Tagged: German Wirehaired Pointer
Recycle Bin
I eat anything plastic, then barf it up and eat it again. Please recycle
Background cat makes dog out to be the patsy
Bodie decided to finish the chips while everyone was gone.
Pee Machine
I pee on everything, including my friends.
(Anything unmarked or unfamilar to Mack gets peed on. This includes but is not limited too: A deep-fryer, plastic trash bags, a Shark steam mop, cat litter boxes, cats, smaller dogs, a pack of Ice Mountain water, poor defenseless brown paper bags, people’s purses/backpacks, a space heater, a magazine rack… Yeah. He’s a craphead.)
Energy conservation
“You don’t need an electric blanket when you have a dog to keep your feet warm!”
This is Hobie. She likes to hide under the bed. Apparently, she confused the cord for the electric blanket (not plugged in at the time) for a chew toy.