I like to lick the insides of my mom’s slippers so when she puts them on they are nice and soggy! I’m a slipper-licking jerk!! ~Suki
Slipper-Licking Jerk

I like to lick the insides of my mom’s slippers so when she puts them on they are nice and soggy! I’m a slipper-licking jerk!! ~Suki
Kali the puppy (looking slightly ashamed) – I tore up the carpet!
Luna – I told her where the seam was
Trixie – They are Jerks!
Link escaped and ran across 2 parking lots, around a Dairy Queen drive thru, and finally in and out of a Boston’s restaurant. Barking his fool head off the whole time. I guess he got doggy dared to go streaking!
I can’t buy Aries nice toys because they don’t last long. Most of his toys come from the clearance bin.
Aries rolled in something so they both him and Pandora had to suffer a bath.
While mom was getting our dog food out of the car I ate her fast food she set on the counter.
Archer (the cutest Husky/ Germain Shepard mix puppy alive) thinks mom needs to spend more time with him and less time turning on her computer to take her final..
Tazz thinks the Christmas tree is his personal toy holder! Not only does he stash toys in it, he also takes ornaments “mistaking” them for his toys.
This is Jack, my 6 year old German Shepherd. He has an odd obsession with rocks. This one he is particularly fond of; he carried it over 3/4 of a mile from the creek at the dog park back to my car and brought it home. He even cuddles with it on the couch, and if the cats get too close when it’s on the floor, he barks and chases them off!