While staying with Moms friends I ate a dog bed, a duraflame log and popped her kiddy pool…twice!
I Pooped In The Kiddie Pool

While staying with Moms friends I ate a dog bed, a duraflame log and popped her kiddy pool…twice!
I have a crayon addiction and I need help.
In case the sign is not clear, as it was written while I was dripping wet, it says the following: “My name is TJ. I pulled my mom face first into the disgusting Lachine Canal while chasing a gopher, stopping before I got wet myself. Everyone on the bike path and 2 kayakers pointed and laughed. My mom says if she is on YouTube, I will be free to a good home. Or any home. I feel very bad and ashamed (that I did not catch the gopher).”
Animal Control… they don’t scare me!
I don’t always bully the cat, but when I do I lick her until she looks like Smeagol 😉
I turned over a paint can and then rolled around in it. I look pretty good after three baths but you should see the garage, driveway, and on yeah the cat.
Juniper lives to chase clam shells. Â Bt she has NEVER SEEN A CLAM.
“I got away with it until she found the crotch in my poop. Then she found my stash under the bed. BUSTED!”
I chewed the new Curtains! and I destroyed the old ones