Cosmo is a German Shepherd/Basset Hound mix. He nabbed a 10 lb. bag of red potatoes from the storage room at home and dragged it out the doggie door-flap. The potatoes had rolled over the yard like Easter eggs. He was unremorseful.
Sasha’s favourite thing to play with are rocks – really big ones. I have noticed that my sack of potatoes was getting smaller but did not think I was eating that much. Come to find out, I wasn’t! seems Sasha thinks potatoes are edible rocks…little potato thief!
“I steal potatoes from the potato sack. I am not sorry and will do it again. I love potatoes!” Sasha
Sasha is a 1 year old Husky/Shep mix rescue.
I searched the entire house for hours looking for my iPod thenĀ I decided to give up, hoping it would turn up.
In about a half an hour my dog Sasha jumped off my bed, and lo and behold my iPod had been UNDER HER! I told her she should be ashamed. She didn’t care.
When you have a new baby, sleep is a precious and fleeting thing- but Lavi, our three year old German Shepherd, makes it very clear she does not approve her Daddy going to work and leaving her behind and promptly awakens the household to inform us of her displeasure.
Caption reads, “Mom always laughs at me when I sleep… I’m not sure why.”
Kona, our 10 month old Pitbull/Shepherd mix, always falls asleep in the oddest positions. If she’s not doing some puppy yoga, she’s stretched out on the back of the couch like a cat!
P.S. – She can’t wait for her daddy to come home from Afghanistan!