Heisenberg is starting his own single-shoe collection!
Heisenberg likes his single ladies’ shoe collection

Heisenberg is starting his own single-shoe collection!
“I eat Mommy’s hair off the floor and it gives me dingle berries”
My mom left me alone for too long so I ate the Rubik’s Cube. She couldn’t do it anyways! #thatswhatyouget!
Someone really loves the treasure he finds on top of the dining room table.
I chew the toilet bolt caps…now I have a hat of shame. – Waffles the French Bulldog
I pee’d on my sister’s favourite chew toy because she doesn’t share. Now I really don’t want it either. -Bubba
I went to give mom a kiss and she smelled my poopy face!
Our sweet little monkey girl is so gentle and kind…except to Grandma whom she barks at relentlessly for no apparent reason. Sassy!
I ate my dog bed today while mom was napping.
“My house was under attack by a new $700 Roomba. I saved us.”
Clearly a hate crime by a repeat offender. Sigh.