Moose the French Bulldog likes to de-snout and decapitate pig toys. Pigicide, I tell you! He’s teaching his little brother the ways of pigicide, too!
Christmas Menu: Beheaded Plastic Pig

Moose the French Bulldog likes to de-snout and decapitate pig toys. Pigicide, I tell you! He’s teaching his little brother the ways of pigicide, too!
During a very important meeting for the production of a popular television show, Wade Boggs (pictured) sauntered into the room, under the packed table, and laid one of the largest / most pungent gastrointestinal explosions to date. Quickly removed from the room, it was only right to publicly shame this pooch for his loose caboose.
Harriet Honeybee is on the left, and Madeline Marshmallow is on the right. They are explaining why they had to have baths.
My Frenchie, Bilbo, is notorious for getting under everyone’s feet. To date, a friend has broken her foot trying not to trip over him and my son broke his collarbone running into the deck post because he was “distracted by how cute he is!”
My mommy is a nurse and works long hours overnight. Most of the time I am a good boy and let her get sleep after her shifts…but, sometimes I get bored, and the couch was looking mighty tasty. I indulged, it was delicious!!!
Our French bulldog is a wonderful big brother to our son, and acts like a typical “velcro puppy,” so for example he likes to sit at the foot of the changing table whenever we change the baby’s diaper. One day during a diaper change the baby started peeing all over the place, and the dog was unfortunately in the line of fire. I froze for a moment when trying to decide between towelling down the dog’s fur or diapering the baby… but during those few seconds of hesitation it happened again! Our Frenchie got peed on twice within a 45 second period… but he was a good sport about it. However he delivers payback in the form of stealing pacifiers.
This is my french bulldog Lucas who decided he didn’t want to share toys with his mini schnauzer brother ( which they were his toys to begin with!) so we’ve come to conclusion he would rather swallow them whole then to share
The look on her face was one clue it was her,
The other clue came later.
Okie barks and cries every time we play ping-pong. When she finally gets the ball she destroys it!
My Frenchie decides to eat some cat treats, his human sister came home, picked him up, he proceeded to give her smelly Frenchie Kisses