2-year-old Kal figured out how to break out of his kennel. 5-year-old Clark Kent did not and was sad after spending hours watching his brother play from inside his kennel.
It’s my party and you’ll cry if I want to

2-year-old Kal figured out how to break out of his kennel. 5-year-old Clark Kent did not and was sad after spending hours watching his brother play from inside his kennel.
“I stole my mom’s grilled cheese sandwich right out of her hand because I’m fast and I wanted it! Signed: Kessler Margaret.”
Darn, I was really looking forward to my lunch too……shame on you, Kessie!
We can’t figure out where Mandy is hiding our spoons and socks. Only one sock per pair, and we’ve gone through at least 20 spoons. Since she’s come inside with cobwebs on her nose, I have to assume she has a hoard under the deck. I’m not going under there to search.
Martie, my 3-year old Springer Spaniel, rolled in something very dead today. 2 baths and an container of baking soda later, she still smells.
Our English Springer Spaniel loves to eat my daughter’s lip balm. And not just any lip balm will do. She only eats Eos lip balm. This week alone, she’s eaten three tubes of it.
Beau likes to eat my favourite plants when I am not paying enough attention to him. He has eaten several butterfly bushes and pulled out 3 of my potted olive trees.
“I helped unpack the food shopping – the ham and turkey breast slices were the BEST!! – Never ashamed. Charlie B.”
Oh dear…I left the shopping bags on the floor and went upstairs to change the baby for just too long and Mr Brown our spaniel just couldn’t resist the opportunity for a feast. Well the floor is his domain after all…looks like Daddy will be having tinned tuna in his sandwiches all week!!
I turned Daddy’s terabyte drive into Daddy’s new coffee coaster. Love, Misty
Our Springer Spaniel ran in from outside in a lightening fast flash, ran into the power cord for the external hard drive that was sitting on the counter causing it and its terabyte of data to come crashing to the floor. It now makes a lovely coaster.
Brandi’s beautiful pup Bailey decided that she would redecorate to help her mom sell their house. The house was shown three times with the big ol’ hole!!
We posted this picture back in January, but sadly, Bailey passed away recently, so let’s send big warm hugs so the Schile family today.
I rolled in a giant pile of poop and then ate it. my namesake would be proud. xo, Benjamin Franklin.