Bell went and played in the dirt right after her bath 🙁 She was very ashamed.
UnBELLievable Brown-noser

Bell went and played in the dirt right after her bath 🙁 She was very ashamed.
Ellie: Trash Party of One
Once the family leaves, I decide to throw trash parties anywhere there are open trash cans around the house.
Still love em to pieces though!
Hatfield and McCoy were left alone for less than 2 hours and decided to redecorate. I guess carpet really isn’t their thing!
Honey is always stealing and eating Sugar’s (Big Sister) toys, food, and hugs.
Tiki was missing Daddy while he was at work today so…she thought it would help to chew up his feather pillow. Mommy heard some ruckus in the bedroom and found Tiki in quite a battle with Daddy’s pillow! Tiki’s planning to buy Daddy a new feathered pillow soon.
Mom is vacuuming our room so we have to run, hide and look pitiful.
I got worms …because I like to eat cat poop.
“I humped my dog bed…in front of the kids.”
I promise it wasn’t me who “helped” landscape the yard!