Rupert keeps finding turtles in our yard and bringing them to the house, all hidden inside their shells. The are ok but a bit spitty.
I like turtles

Rupert keeps finding turtles in our yard and bringing them to the house, all hidden inside their shells. The are ok but a bit spitty.
This is Hank, while I was at work he decided that he was not a fan of my dog shaming calendar. He is ironic…
…I promise it won’t happen again.
Left weenie: When my mom cleans out my eye boogers, I insist she feed them to me.
Right weenie: She eats mine too.
Our pup jumped in my lap and essentially smacked into the ice cream cone. Sprinkles everywhere. …
“I joyfully rolled over on top of a dead fish.” Went for a nice stroll in the park, our dachshund catches a scent of something by the river and starts emphatically rolling around on something in the tall grass. Underneath was a huge dead fish!
I drank an entire cup of coffee when my human got up and went to the bathroom.
Sawyer snagged a few dollars from mommy’s purse. He’s in the red…
Yup, he decapitated Barbie all right.
“I bit off more than I could chew of the cat and I am not sorry.” Our dachshund Charlie Brown chased the cat next door and bit off more than he could chew. The cat’s fine but as you can see, Charlie isn’t. Bad dog!