Our male black mini-dachshund isn’t always thoughtful of his sister, a blond long-haired mini:
When she stops to sniff our favorite pee spot, I pee on her head. This happens frequently.
Our male black mini-dachshund isn’t always thoughtful of his sister, a blond long-haired mini:
When she stops to sniff our favorite pee spot, I pee on her head. This happens frequently.
Beatrix likes to steal mom’s things for playtime, rather than using her numerous toys.
Baxter. 3 years old.
We wish you all the best in the new year! Happy Shaming!
Molly attempted to eat the Christmas presents today. She took a real shine to my niece’s present. Ripped it in two places before I caught her in the act. She is not sorry and proudly walked around with the tag stuck to the bottom of her paw.
Winnie always checks to see what I have in the grocery bags. I guess this day she couldn’t help herself!
Miss Bonnie enjoys scavenging for a tasty snack of chicken poo in our back yard, then washes it down with a long refreshing drink from the toilet.
Dexter Can not be trusted with Christmas presents. It’s one thing to open your present early(see amazon box containing several new dog toys) but it’s very Grinch-like to chew up grandpas collectible lord of the rings dvds(which mom fought for on black friday). To make him feel guilty for his heinous crimes would truly be a Christmas Miracle.
This is Gus Gus, who is a big baby! He is a 10 year old dachshund, but still cuddles like a puppy.
Brutus the Daschund sleeps for 21 hours a day – he likes to pass out on the couch in my home office and snore as loudly as possible during my conference calls (leading me to constantly apologize for the distraction!).