I ALMOST ate an entire stick of butter.
ollie eats butter

I ALMOST ate an entire stick of butter.
When Mom isn’t looking I sneak into the laundry room, steal her dryer
sheets and apply them to myself. Mmmmmm I smell April Fresh!
This time I got caught before I could go through the entire box.
I was not ashamed … she should have smelled me before she yelled!
(we wondered if Millie the red Dachshund or Joey the black Dachshund
was the culprit … it was Joey … BUSTED!!)
This is Choxie, my dachshund-Aussie mix. He loves to destroy squeaker toys…and anything else with stuffing for that matter. He has no discrimination either. He’ll destroy my roommate’s dog’s toys, his toys, his own bed, you name it. Nothing with stuffing is safe!
This is Maggie. She is almost 3 years old and loves to lick lotion off everyone. It’s a disgusting enough habit as is, but today she decided licking wasn’t good enough and found a bottle of my lotion, dug it out of my purse, chewed all the plastic off the top, and licked as much out of the top as she could reach.
Sophie was left alone for less than 1 hour and ate this chair.
My weenie dog Ellie loves my dad Leo’s scent. While I was home visiting my parents she jumped on his side of the bed and began rolling in his scent and then hopped up and relieved herself on the comfortor. Bad Ellie Bug!
I like to steal daddy’s Medi-fast out of his backpack. Brownie is better than soup. <3 Dash.
Weighing in at just under 7 pounds, Midge is a miniature dachshund with a maximum personality! She is being fostered by Bald is Beautiful Dog Rescue in Greenville, SC. Midge is young (under two), and a great little dog. She’s sweet, sassy, smart, spunky, snuggly…. and those are just the S’s! Sometimes she tries to boss around her foster brothers, who are twice her size, and even the cats, also bigger than her! She has no follow-through, though, and they find her very easy to put in her place. Which most often ends up being in a soft dog bed or a warm lap, under a blanket and in the dark. We would like to see Midge adopted into a home with another dog for companionship, or where people are home most of the time.
For more info, check out Midge’s profile here.
Meet Bev, a gentle dachshund mix with a lot of snuggles to share. She is available for adoption over at Diamond Dachshund Rescue of Texas along with lots of her dachshund friends! Bev is a shy softy from head to toe—with the softest, silkiest fur, warm eyes and a burning desire for a family to love and care for her. Bev loves to play with friendly, small dogs and as her foster people will tell you– she LOVES to cuddle in bed.
Zephyr, an adoptable senior from East Brunswick, NJ. He’s available through St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center. He has been known to “break wind” from time to time. But he has finally admitted to doing what I’ve suspected all along… Doing big, smelly farts so people leave the room and leave him alone! His farts will clear a room in seconds flat.