I chew the legs off my toys!!….. And I get to wear them!!
I chew the legs….

I chew the legs off my toys!!….. And I get to wear them!!
LahDee was mad that her brother got to go for a walk, so she ate all of our tortillas.
After a long day at work, I sat down to a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I thought about the sandwich the entire commute home from work, which was approximately an hour. My little dachshund Jetta jumped in my lap, distracted me with her adorableness, and then wolfed down my sandwich in five seconds flat.
I always know when Mom needs to be somewhere on time, so that’s when I cause the most trouble. Today, I tried to eat a bee right before Mom left for class. I spat it out. It was yucky.
Nancy ate 1/2 the cucumber!
“I pooped in my mama’s bed this morning, and she still loves me.”
Alice still gets to sleep in mama’s bed even though sometimes she poops in it.
Moose was mad that I left him for an hour to go to the gym. So he decided to join Team He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
“I was mad Mom left, so I took everything out of the closet.”
Outlaw eats pencils. He has such an attitude, he is proud of it! No shame here! He is as proud as he can be!
No matter how far back on the counter you put the food, this short chunky pooch will get it. Gotta love him.