I adopted Chewy today as a companion to my White German Shepherd, Martha. The first thing Chewy did when he got into our house was rip apart all of Martha’s toys. Now I know why the shelter named him Chewy…
Posts Tagged: Chihuahua
The littlest hobo
I steal food when my mom’s turn their back…and I’ll do it again! #sorrynotsorry -Felicity
Holden and his love for baths!
Holden loves baths so much, he pees into the wind. Anytime it’s windy, he decides he doesn’t want to pee on a bush or a tree; he wants to stand in the middle of the yard and pee in the direction of the oncoming wind.
Ladies love wet willies
I just wanted to feel pretty
I used my roomie’s underwear as a chew toy, now I must wear it as punishment. – Boomie
A nice day at the lake, ruined.
I got this photo message from my boss yesterday. Turns out her dog, Charlie, is an expensive jerk 🙂
Dry Cleaning Bill: Put it on my tab
As we were walking by an outdoor cafe, Peanut decided to lift his leg on a lady’s purse that she had set on the ground. I paid for her to take it to the cleaners.
This could totally be the dogshaming office!
Toby feels that when I work from home, non-dog work is optional.
Diego Maradon’t poop in my cleats!
I pooped in a soccer player’s cleat at work (and it was diarrhea)
Don’t go on vacation!
“I didn’t want mom to go to Sydney, so I ate her map for dinner! Ps. Not Sorry. Love, Tucker