Decker has made great friends with the technicians at the vet’s office!
At the vet – yet again!

Decker has made great friends with the technicians at the vet’s office!
I roll in dead salmon on the riverbank.
Toby wishes you a Happy Halloween!
This is the only shot I could get of him looking at me. He acted as though the rooster head weighed 20 pounds and it was soooo much work to lift his head.
This is my brand new out the box puppy, Harvey. I thought a quick read of Ceasar Millan’s book “Ceasar’s Way”, could help to provide useful insights into his shameful chewing ways. Alas, a quick trek to kitchen and back proved Harvey had other ideas 🙂
“I rolled around in Kangaroo poop and ate it.”
Emmy looking very sad (and guilty) in her bubble bath.
Echo thinks she’s flowers!
I eat stink bugs and throw them up on the nice clean floor.
I don’t care that I ruined cookie day.
My people moved me to Hawaii…I refuse to like the beach.
Editor’s note: No cats were harmed in the chase!