Why are the cute ones always so disgusting?

“I chewed the plug off the lamp. I only regret I was caught.”
Even though he has every chew toy he could want, Watson still felt the need to chew off the plug for the lamp in the den. Thank goodness it wasn’t plugged in!
I can’t get enough of my Dad, so I sneak in the bathroom & in his pants when they’re around his ankles. Mom says we have a codependent relationship.
This is BELLA. She is a 6 month old Cockalier (cocker and cavalier spaniel mix). Her crate was sitting on top of her sisters crate when she decided that she no longer wanted to play with her toys and would rather dig a hole in the wall (of my new house). After this incident, I put a piece of cardboard between her crate and the wall. That didn’t stop her. She shred the cardboard up. Not sorry at all 🙂
Sanjay – the Pugalier from Co Wicklow, Ireland
I bark THE ENTIRE 12 minute ride to school every day. (And I eat my own poop) 🙁
Editor’s note: Hi Hannah, I hope you have a great Easter/Passover with your pup.
Daddy wouldn’t let me sleep in the bed. So……. I ate it!
“I made a peephole so I could bark at people easier.”
My name is Gigi. I like to sneak in my family’s bedrooms and steal only their dirty socks and underwear and eat holes right through them!
My name is Olaf. I hate frozen figurines. I have eaten Elsa, snacked Hans’ hands, and used Anna’s feet to floss my teeth. Sven, Olaf, and Kristoff have been saved from my mouth but don’t worry. I will get them. I will.
If the King of Pop wasn’t gone before, he sure is now thanks to me (Long live the new King)