Ella stole an ENTIRE meatloaf!
She Still Hounded me for Dinner!

Ella stole an ENTIRE meatloaf!
I tried to squeeze through a cat door to get to the cat litter for a quick snack and pulled out the door.
I eat poop and it upsets my stomach (weird!), so I leaked diarrhea in Mommy’s home office… and she sat in it.
She showered and cleaned it up.
A few minutes later, I thanked her by throwing up poop all over her.
… I thought it was hysterical.
Leo is a Catahoula pup who just turned one.
He is a good boy. He gets so excited to be out
side that he pee’s all over him self. Guess he’s
not a big boy yet. Leo is a wonderful addition
to our family. We love our Catahoula!
“I ruined happily ever after”. Poor Prince Charming. Roux has taught the kids to put their toys away in a way I never could.
I am a professional photographer out of Phoenix, AZ, and when I woke up this morning, my toddler had pulled out my camera gear. She gnawed on not one, but TWO camera bodies!
9 month old Catahoula/Shephard mix that chewed the handles (in half) of my favourite purse, and ripped the lining.
Bought a new pair of very expensive running shoes to help with my plantar faciaitis in my right heel. Made the mistake of leaving them on the floor.
I thought I heard a mouse. We left Buddy in the laundry room while we went to work. It was too cold to be outside that day. When we came home this is what we found. There was actually a dead mouse in the wall.