My dog Harley likes to sit right next to the treadmill while I am exercising on it and fart. His farts are terrible and nearly make me hurl! Not a good combination while trying to exercise and breathe deeply!
Bulldog Bomb

My dog Harley likes to sit right next to the treadmill while I am exercising on it and fart. His farts are terrible and nearly make me hurl! Not a good combination while trying to exercise and breathe deeply!
I prefer my garbage in the bedroom. We’ve had 9 yr old Molly for 3 years and she was perfect. Lately garbage fascinates her.
I wish my Dad would remember to leave a light on for me before he leaves.
“Mom isn’t very good at Apples to Apples… so I climbed up to show her how to be a WINNER!!”
Walter decided to show me how to play the game… he has such a good poker face
My Mommy’s high heels taste the best!! -Hef & Toby
I burrow under the rug to lick the floorboards underneath. xP – Beauregard
Editor’s note: Our dog Beau also licks the hardwood floor. I wonder if it’s a “Beau” thing!
It’s the first day I was allowed to stay out of the cage and I already got into trouble.
I pee’d on all of my new beds so now I have to sleep on this.
I like to sneeze and burp in my mom’s face and walk away like nothing happened.
Our dog ran off when out walking with me and was gone for almost 24 hours. It was only 8 degrees that night and he is a house dog. A huge search ensued and he was found about 3 miles away. My kids decided on public humiliation as his punishment.