I’m a good girl. Unless you leave me in a room with a basket.
The Basket Case

I’m a good girl. Unless you leave me in a room with a basket.
My name is Lewis. I’m a very naught bully. I like to chew and destroy things. My latest work of destruction was chewing open the brand new pillows and making a bed for myself. I think I own the house and everything in it.
Bailey our female American Bulldog is completely in lust with our male cat Jaykit Humps him frequently when he grooms her face ~ it’s adorable!
I “accidentally” peed on my Dad’s face in the middle of the night while camping.
Love, the Whiz Kid
It was my birthday and I don’t like cake and asked for a homemade pie. So I enjoyed one slice before it was ripped from the table:
Penelope is a delightful little girl from Detroit/Ann Arbor, MI. She is being fostered through Last day dog rescue. She is just full of life and happiness that she is always ready for fun and loves to play with people. There is no need to ever ask for kisses as she is always ready to pass them out! She is also a huge cuddler! She is on the shorter size and a real joy to be with! She can be picky about her doggie friends but we are working on this. As in all young dogs she needs some basic rules but is a fast learner and really wants to please. She is really good at “sit” and is learning “lay down” and “paw”. She does fine in a crate and rides ok in car but she tries to get in your lap because she just wants to be close to you. For more information, click here.
“They tried using paper bags to keep me off the couch. So when they left the house, I showed them what I think of those bags.” Sadie is recovering from a torn ligament, and is not allowed to jump. We thought we could leave her out of her kennel and just cover the couches with bags to keep her from jumping on them. Well, she showed us! Nothing can keep a determined bulldog off of a couch at naptime.
What do you mean the couch isn’t a chew toy? You should have told me. I’m afraid this time it’s your fault! GATOR
Chunk humps a stuffed animal that looks like him.
Our dog decided to hunt for bacon in our wall.
Ike took his first trip to the dog park today. He was glued to my side the entire time and grabbed and humped anyone that came over to say hi. He’s got issues. (And yes, he’s neutered).
Adopted from The Humane Society of North Texas, 2010.