All Lucy needs is 2 seconds for your back to be turned! If I couldn’t hear her freight train snoring from the other room, I would think she stays up all night plotting her move!
Mine now!

All Lucy needs is 2 seconds for your back to be turned! If I couldn’t hear her freight train snoring from the other room, I would think she stays up all night plotting her move!
This is Brutus, only he knows the identity of the serial mystery pooper who visits our house.
Yep…this is me!
Big bulldog scared of little kitties.
“When I was micro-chipped, I bucked and the vet stabbed her assistant with the needle. Mom was SO embarrassed.” (This is par for the course with Josie!)
“Thinks my owners can’t see when I dump on the living room floor.” —Rooney the bulldog.
I bite this door and ONLY this door, but not after 4pm.
After 4:00 the door is no longer a threat to me or my family.
I have claimed this couch…
Editor’s note: He doesn’t look very ashamed…
My name is Hoagie and I do what I want.