If you could hear her, she is also whining as she stares at me.
Computer Creeper

If you could hear her, she is also whining as she stares at me.
I chew the faces off my toys. I’m not sorry. Lando xoxo
My friend gave Lando this rubber pig for his 2nd birthday. He chewed its face off within the hour.
I just got this new bed, TODAY. This is why I can never have nice things.
Mack loves garbage. He went into the bathroom to snoop around while we were out and must have bumped the door closed. He must have tried to dig his way out!
We thought we had placed the bag of flour far out of his reach. Thankfully, the huge piles were contained to one area, but there were lots of white paw prints throughout the house.
Caesar makes yucky faces when I break out the camera, almost in protest of getting his picture taken!!
I have been unable to come home for lunch recently….and Samson Dogg makes me pay the price!
Lola is the worst walker EVER. Welcome to my typical walk with her.
I poop on the deck when it snows. My name is Artie and I don’t like walking in the snow so I save it all up and go on the deck to do my business.