Louis didn’t move a muscle when I found him like this, he had already chewed one Nerf bullet and the second one was stuck in his giant lip flaps!
Who, Me?

Louis didn’t move a muscle when I found him like this, he had already chewed one Nerf bullet and the second one was stuck in his giant lip flaps!
120 lb dog = massive destruction!!!!
Have a cone and run into everything in the house, but still manage to get in the trash!
Moose’s masterpiece…he had a fun afternoon!
Caption: My name is Ginger. I am a foster dog with happy tail. My foster mom lined my crate with foam ($30-$40 worth of foam) so it would heal. I destroyed it as soon as her back was turned so I still have happy tail.
Ginger is a 3 year old Mastiff with Great Lakes Mastiff Rescue being fostered in Chicago, Il. Unfortunately, we were not able to heal her happy tail so she had to have her tail docked. Ginger is a lovable, small Mastiff only weighing in at 110 lbs. Though small in stauture, she’s big on love. She wants nothing more than to be right next to you at all times. She’s recently started agility training and is doing fabulously. Ginger has high anxiety and OCD so needs to be on daily dosages of clomicalm which helps her greatly. Even with the calming meds, she still continues to be a counter-surfer extraordinaire but no longer needs to steal all the toilet paper in the house for which all the humans are very happy. If you’re interested in finding out more about Ginger, please click here.
dog eats feminine products when no one is around and they were found when accidentally running over the poop with the lawnmower
ate a plate of rum balls off the counter
Editor’s note: chocolate is HIGHLY toxic to dogs. If you suspect your dog has ingested chocolate, please contact your emergency vet immediately.
I hope to shame him for many years to come.
I left my house for a total of 30 minutes. In that 30 minutes, my cat (co-conspirator not pictured) knocked this pizza box off the counter, and Sasha, my 8 year old (and KNOWS BETTER THAN THIS!) pit-bull/mastiff mix helped herself to my would-be dinner. The amount of poop that comes out of a 90 pound dog that has eaten a large pizza is not even right…