“I’m awesome. But I am a bed hog.” – Makinzie
Posts Tagged: Boxer
Sock Monkey is no longer a funky monkey
I put the Sock Monkey hat on my dog Buttercup, and when I left to publish the photo, she ate part of it. It only took her about two minutes to destroy the red pom poms.
Did Lexie go mudding with Louis Litt?
I have been playing in the mud. I am not ashamed.
Lexie loves the mud. She usually doesn’t like to play all by herself, but a big storm is an exception. Here she is disappointed that I will not let her into the house after frolicking in the mud for an hour.
“I bite my Auntie Jenn’s bum when she dances.”
Willis is a 4 year old Boxer who loves his Auntie unconditionally – except when she dances. Auntie Jenn shakes her hips when a good song comes on the radio or tv and Willis disapproves. However the little nibble on the tush doesn’t stop Auntie Jenn from dancing, it just makes her laugh and leads to a fun play time!
My Little Artist
I ate my mom’s expensive (non-toxic) blue paint.
Things may have gotten out of hand…
What the fluff?
Dog bed #5. Enough said.
I pee in your general direction!
I peed on my brothers head while he was smelling something on the ground…and as if that weren’t bad enough….he had to get a bath!!! Hee hee
Scared Poopless!
“When the Petsmart guy went to scan my microchip…I got scared and pooped on the floor!”
Every now and then my Mom likes to get my microchip scanned to make sure my info is correct. The guy at Petsmart scared me so much with the handheld scanner so I pooped a little on the floor.
We got the couch monster mom. It took a lot of digging, but don’t worry, you’re safe now!!