Is it really “shaming” if she clearly feels no remorse?
Oh Fudge!

Is it really “shaming” if she clearly feels no remorse?
Chewy is our two year old beagle mix. When my husband and I leave the house we have to be sure to put things up high because Chewy will find a way to destroy them. Today, while we were gone, Chewy thought it would be a good idea to eat Rob’s wallet (including credit cards). Rob was leaving in a hour to go on a business trip.
As a beagle, Autumn has put some pretty gross things in her mouth. Today, she did the ultimate no-no and ate some other dog’s poo before mommy could stop her. She is now being dog shamed.
Naboo went on a mission to destroy all aircon remote controls. Either he likes it hot or he just likes how they are so crunchy.
Now all the remotes are safely secured to the wall.
I came home from work to discover that Kara and Jackson had decided to throw their version of the Boston Tea Party on our dining room carpet! “The tea bags were not as delicious as we hoped…”
Our beagle, Moby, dragged a fully sealed box that contained a bone, among other things, 50+ feet to the far corner of the living room. The only thing extracted from the box was the bone. As you may imagine, Moby was very pleased with himself.
Hi. My name is Moby. I dragged a sealed box into the living room, ripped open the bottom, dug out what I was looking for, tore off the plastic wrap, and was happily chewing my new bone when mom came home.
Chester got out of the house and ran over to the neighbour’s house – where he found an unattended, open grill. He helped himself like it was his job. Oh, and the unfortunate grill owner had guests visiting that he intended to feed.
This seemingly innocent tennis ball causes these two sweet dogs to become absolute idiots when it is snuck into the house.
She knows it’s wrong, but sleeps on her family’s furniture whenever they’re gone!
Fifteen-year old Holly doesn’t get excited about much these days. Except breakfast. Holly has started requesting breakfast as early as 2:30 AM, sitting by her food bowl and barking, waking all her family members who can’t take a snooze the rest of the day.