He’s working toward his beach body.
Suns Out, Guns Out, Stains Out

He’s working toward his beach body.
Max likes to chew my flip flops and then put them back in the closet like nothing ever happened.
“I like to poop in the floor, then when my pregnant mommy goes to clean it up and wash her hands, I steal her hot pocket & take the plate to my bedroom.”
Bailey couldn’t keep any food or water down for a whole weekend, lost two of his normal fourteen pounds, and got very dehydrated. On Sunday night, we got our explanation.
Diego got into the trash and had himself his own Thanksgiving meal (a little early) and he’s in a little bit of a food coma….
Maggie the beagle waits one second after the door is shut and then scouts out the trash and pantry. If we forget our doggie locks than it’s a lucky day for her. She has become rather rotund with her scavenging forays.
My 1 year old Beagle Bogie threw up on the couch then sat in it like nothing happened!!
Your purse is so last year. So I ate it…
Mom won’t let me in the bathroom after she gets out of the shower anymore since she found out I have been stealth grooming to help dry her. It’s not my fault she has no feeling in her left leg! I just love her so much I can’t help myself – Summer the Beagle.
I have radiculopathy in my left leg due to a ruptured disc so I don’t have feeling except in the toes so I had no idea she has been sneaking in behind me to lick my leg dry – she knows to avoid the right leg and only went after the left – LOL.
I roll in other dogs’ poop, so the human has to give me a shower. (-That’s why I’m all wet.)