Linus is 4 months old and his appetite knows no bounds. Metal chain – he’ll chew it; chew deterrent sprays – he’ll lap it up like candy; punishment spray bottle of water – he’ll drink it and beg for more. I don’t know why we thought our walls would be safe.
Posts Tagged: Beagle
Glasses Eater
Gwen does many naughty things. Today she chewed a pair of glasses when she couldn’t have our undivided attention. She’s is never sorry but always very cute!
May(m)o – Sandwich Maker
Maymo the lemon beagle fails at making everyone a nice lunch of sandwiches. Fortunately, Maymo is able to utilize the half loaf of bread he didn’t destroy by turning it into a very fashionable bread hat.
To keep abreast of Maymo’s mischievous activities, check out his facebook page here or his youtube page here.
I don’t know why I do this!
I am a 12-year old beagle who has never learned good manners.
Lazy Beagle
“I refuse to get up when my mom makes the bed”
This is Squid, the 10-year-old beagle. She likes to sleep in late, so bed-making is extremely difficult.
Introducing a new member to the Dog Shaming family!
Everyone say hello to Maymo! You may remember Maymo from the hilarious Dog Shaming video that swept the meme world by storm a few months ago. Maymo will be a recurring character on Dog Shaming. His owner has been a long-time reader and knew his pup was the ultimate Dog Shaming subject. I believe this little guy gives my wiener dogs a run for their money.
Maymo, the lemon beagle, likes to chew the faces off stuffed animals so he can continue to grow his large collection of lovely animal-themed Halloween costumes. For more skullduggery, check out his YouTube page here.
Duffle Bag Disaste
Dru tried to steal some food packed in her daddy’s bag for work. Unfortunately, she got stuck in the handle.
One of Jackson’s many offenses…
Mom and dad left some groceries on the counter when they went out to dinner, so I helped myself to a snack.
Baking a Cake
Clarence got into the dry food while we were out. In addition to the flour, he was happily munching on a pound of dry spaghetti noodles when I walked in.