I jumped on the table and stole food. I’m only sorry for leaving evidence.
What evidence?

I jumped on the table and stole food. I’m only sorry for leaving evidence.
I eat cat poop. My friend is embarrassed of me, but I have no shame….
I have THREE beds of my own to sleep on, but still choose the couch (they even have memory foam!).
P.s. I am also afraid of this paper
I had a MAJOR foster fail in January and adopted Einstein, a beagle mix. Every night I try to get him to sleep in my bed, and every night he cries at the door till I put him in his crate. He’s still the perfect dog for me and I love him with all my heart.
My brother made a sandwich was gone two minutes peyton and Kiera (her sister who is not pictured) ate an enitre loaf of bread
Toe Jam is the best!
I like to pull the eyes off of the babies toys. So, Mom has to make eye patches.
OK, point made. Now take this off of me !!
Maymo the lemon beagle loves his 8 month old sister Penny for trafficking socks from the laundry room to an undisclosed location where he can chew them up and roll on them.
For more Maymo and Penny skullduggery, check out Maymo’s Facebook page HERE or YouTube page HERE .
Waylon and Joey work together to find and scarf down bags of trash.