“I like to eat my own poo and bring it inside to share with Mum and Dad” Sherlock the Beagle
No Shhh- Sherlock!

“I like to eat my own poo and bring it inside to share with Mum and Dad” Sherlock the Beagle
I refuse to walk home on a leash. I prefer to ride in style. This is our neighbours dog, Morgan, who comes over to play. When it is time to go home she lays down and won’t move. This is the only way we can take her home.
Maddy, our 45-pound beagle, is very loveable but extremely lazy. Even as a puppy, she was lazy.
“In less than 30 seconds, I shredded five checks, including Mom’s paycheck and state and federal tax returns. P.S. I plan to shred this sign later.” Abbott has done many shame-worthy things in his two years on the planet — thievery is kind of his thing.
My parents had friends over. Silly kids left pizza box open. Who wants plain cheese when you can have spicy hot jalapeño pizza? My poor tummy. I threw up all over the house while my family was sleeping. I am sorry.
Bella, the pizza thief, regrets nothing.
Bowie killed Tony the Tiger.
He was Grrrreat!
My husband and I went out for a nice pre Valentine’s Day dinner and came home to this.
Much to his delight, Milt was put in the kennel with the big, fluffy pillows that is usually reserved for the older, more responsible dog of the house. Milt is a young whippersnapper from Omaha, NE who’s being fostered by the Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland. If you need a running partner who never gets tired? Milt’s your man! (Er…dog.) This young, hilarious pup will entertain you with his antics all day long…right up until he snuggles up and crashes at bedtime. Although he loves other dogs and children, this independent (some might say evil) genius’ true passion is plotting how to take over the world.
…Or steal your dinner.
…Or access the pantry.
…Or open the back gate.
For more information on Milt, click here.
I broke out of the backyard fence tonight and decided to barge into the neighbor’s house for refuge….all because of a bug zapper. Love, Wally (the cowardly beagle-basset)