I peed on the Xmas tree and the handmade tree skirt!
Merry Christmas
Love Ivan
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree…

I peed on the Xmas tree and the handmade tree skirt!
Merry Christmas
Love Ivan
I just wanted my paw print in the concrete!
Bella the Basset and Pickles the (?) thought the Halloween Haul was for everyone. They often work as a team . . . They are SO not sorry!
My Basset Hound, Bellah, lets me know (by howling ) when there is company at the door. Most of my guests look forward to my Hillbilly Door bell. This poor little Trick-or-Treater screamed, cried, & fled after she knocked on my door. Bellah is more sad than ashamed. Sign reads: “A Trick-or-Treater knocked on the Door. I Howled. She ran away. My Trick caused her to lose a few of her Treats.”
“I jump on the fence and take bites out of it.”
If I don’t walk outside with my dog, every time he goes out he will race across the yard and jump on the fence and bite pieces off.
Bad Basset
Brutus is a bad boy. He stole mom’s pen off the table and ate it, getting pink ink all over the carpet
Maggie ate Mama’s comb.
Came home to both my Basset hounds “wearing” feminine hygiene products. They must’ve mistaken them for something to eat!
I made the mistake of leaving my temporary tooth appliance where our dog could reach it. She turned it into a tasty snack & didn’t even leave any money under my pillow!