I ate an entire bottle of Pepto Bismol and turned the couch (and myself) pink.
Chalky aftertaste, but all in all, a good vintage.

I ate an entire bottle of Pepto Bismol and turned the couch (and myself) pink.
I tried to eat a package of uncooked spaghetti
I chewed Joanne’s glasses that she bought 3 months ago to replace the year-old glasses that I also destroyed. Pepper, 10 mos. old
I Eat Your Sunglasses at Night.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…..well that’s not true…THIS was stirring.
I ate the Christmas cookies off the dining room table while my people were sleeping. Now I have a sugar coma.
When the boys brought Rixen in they said he was rolling around in the grass, and now he smelled funny. Further investigation found he was actually rolling around on the remains of a fish that had washed up a few days before. He may be rethinking that decision now.
“I am too lazy to jump into the back of the car”
Tucker is 1 year old and uses the technique of playing dead whenever he doesn’t want to do something. Even though he can jump up into the low Prius, he refuses to do it voluntarily and prefers to place his front paws up and then have his rear paws lifted up. When I don’t cooperate he plays dead and poor poodle Scarlett has to wait impatiently while I try to move him from his passive protest position.”
Mom recently took up guitar and Sidney is NOT a fan!
This dog is now worth $1000.
We traveled all day to get to Grandma’s and as soon as we arrived I ran into the living room, found the brand new chair, lifted my leg and peed on it. Grandma screamed and I ran back out the front door.