Yes I love to eat soccer balls
I had a Ball!

Yes I love to eat soccer balls
We ate the mints but unwrapped them first.
I like to run around outside when it is -20
My name is Oskar. I accidentally locked myself in the bathroom whilst eating a ONE POUND BAG of Shea butter. Then, I proceeded to vomit all over the bathroom floor. My human brother had to clean it up… He was NOT happy with me. 🙁
I figured out how to get peanut butter out of the cabinet, hid the jar in my bed and then ate it sneakily when nobody was paying attention. – Levi
Well, maybe he shouldn’t wear sweatpants next time?
Our 6 month old puppy, Henry has no shame. He is so proud of his handy work .
We Eat Horse Poop Yummy
Every dog I know who lives with horses enjoys this “treat”… so gross I know!
These are two “indestructible” horse toys that he steals from the horses and destroys. They are his best friends and he carries their dead limp remains around with him all day!
Cody Leroy tore up his brand new pet bed