I did what Shane, the Governor, and 4 seasons of walkers couldn’t do…I killed Rick Grimes!
Love, Jasmine

I did what Shane, the Governor, and 4 seasons of walkers couldn’t do…I killed Rick Grimes!
Love, Jasmine
My name is Max Smith and I am 1 1/2 years old. I live in Atlanta, GA. I like to steal different types of socks, chew on them, and then take naps… I was just informed that a Functional Behavior Analysis and Behavior Modification Plan may need to be implemented immediately.
Note to Self (and all Pitbulls out there): Next time do not let parent choose girlfriend who is a School Psychologist!!! #DogShaming
My husband brought a pumpkin home for my son to carve. We put it outside and not 5 minutes later this is what I found
Zeus got caught sitting on a kitchen table chair and drinking out of his mom’s wine glass.
This is a foster dog. I paid $4000.00 to have her legs fixed so she can climb up to the place I keep my good shoes.
This was a Friday Eve. Carnage
“I disagree with Mom’s taste in hats.” – #FreemanPibble
My rescue pit bull Freeman has been with me for 2 weeks. In the last two days he’s decided my hats just had to go. He tore down the hat rack to get at the fedora. I hadn’t even worn the black one yet….
Xollin had just gotten neutered so we couldn’t take him to the dog park for a few days.
He wanted us to know he was bored.
Every time we go to the dog park, I see Luna, my black and white whippet, sniffing the ground obsessively. She would then stop, bite the grass, and roll around in that spot for about 2 minutes straight. When I noticed that my other 2 dogs would join her in this ritual, I finally went over to see what the heck they were all rolling in. Turns out they were hunting down earthworms and rolling around on top of them until the earthworms were crushed to a pulp.
“I love to eat moms things while she’s gone. Guess whos in trouble?”
Caleb was so excited about the neighbourhood cat right outside our window…needless to say, there wasn’t a scratch on that fat head. The window, however…
Sign says “I broke the window with my head :(“