The kids were so relieved they cried.
The Kids Were So Relieved They Cried

The kids were so relieved they cried.
I eat my Mom’s glasses because she can’t drive without them and I don’t ever want her to leave.
Puppy picnic
Rub a dub dub, one dog in a tub!
Atticus’ sign says “My Mommy babysits and I ate the whole can of powdered formula.” Arcata’s says, “twice!” He also sniffs her, wants to lay his big head in her lap, and enjoys eating her soiled diapers…. he should be ashamed!
Editor’s note: that baby sure knows how to throw a mean side-eye!!
I ripped up my mom’s Pittsburgh Penguin tickets, still in the FedEx envelope.
I atenot 1’ not 2’ but 3 pairs of mom’s shoes when she was at work.
Curiosity killed the monkey.
Russell chewed my brand new yoga mat before I even took it out of the packaging!
I jumped onto a table of pastries at a town fair…