I eat the walls the day the landlord is visiting
I Eat The Walls The Day The Landlord Is Visiting

I eat the walls the day the landlord is visiting
I bark at my own daddy when he’s cutting the grass, but when a strange, tiny, frantically meowing kitten came to the door, I didn’t do anything.
Otis hates when his mom watches the presidential debates.
At least my burps smell better than my toots. – Holly
Kiley doesn’t understand that mommy sometimes needs her space.
Hi, I’m Edna. I thought rolling in poop would be a super fun way to spend my Saturday. Now I am ashamed!
I was so excited to help you carve the pumpkin. So I started without you.
I locked my mom out of the truck when she stopped for fuel on the wat to the vet for my neuter.
Bowie ran away…..Hugo was upset, and is an emotional eater.
We played tog of war with the new bed our mom got us!
Dixie- Ashamed
Dozer- Not at all ashamedÂ