Whenever I get a soft toy I destroy it within a minute
I’m a Softie for Soft toys
Whenever I get a soft toy I destroy it within a minute
I am a naughty cookie-stealing kitten… Bad, bad kitty…
I wait until mummy is busy cleaning my litter tray then I sneak into her handbag and grab her gourmet cookies to munch on.
PS The cookies were too hard to resist…
Buzz my lab/samoyed has eaten my remote control…
Banff loves to eat my shoes. She only ever eats mine and never eats my boyfriend’s shoes!
now I have to wear the cone!
Barley, our 2-year old female is on the left and Lager, our 1-year old male is on the right. The signs say is all. 🙂
My name is Bella and I tried to eat a lizard. He gave me a bacterial infection, leading to explosive diarrhea. After the vet bills, medicine, special diet, vomit and pooping on her foot……momma still loves me.
<3 Bella
Brandy thinks that anything in the home office is up for grab, today it was all about the printer ink…especially the BLUE ink!
OOPS! I did it AGAIN! -Kino a.k.a Jaws
Cone Of Shame Award goes to Buddy.