Moose the French Bulldog likes to de-snout and decapitate pig toys. Pigicide, I tell you! He’s teaching his little brother the ways of pigicide, too!
Christmas Menu: Beheaded Plastic Pig
Moose the French Bulldog likes to de-snout and decapitate pig toys. Pigicide, I tell you! He’s teaching his little brother the ways of pigicide, too!
I love my mom but I love her EOS lip gloss (6) more.
Buzz is a master at getting in my mom’s purse and finding her EOS lip balms. He leaves everything else in the purse undisturbed and can always seem to tell when she has purchased a new one.
When you realize your puppy has been quiet for a little too long…
He ate the last roll of toilet paper we had!
“I pooped outside. Stepped in it. Then tracked it all over the house my first day home-Leo”
Thanks for adopting me mom! To be fair I did try to lick it all up before you noticed.
I am not house broken but I love toilet paper!
Hefner goes to the barn with me every morning when I feed & turn out the horses. His job, as his breeding dictates, is to hunt rats. He loves his job, but this morning he wasn’t allowed to go out to the barn first thing. He had to wait while I drove my son to school. This is what I was greeted with upon my return.
My dog loves winter, especially the unlimited free crunchy brown treats she finds in our backyard.
Miss Cleo has to wear outfits designed for guinea pigs.
We are now proud owners of the elf that fell off the shelf, thanks to 2 year old Vizsla, Josie.
I ate the ornaments off the Christmas tree.