Pongo says, “I don’t like to go out when it’s raining, so I pooped on the deck. At least I kept my paws dry.”
Gives New Meaning to the Word *poop deck*
Pongo says, “I don’t like to go out when it’s raining, so I pooped on the deck. At least I kept my paws dry.”
Daisy the apple hoarder!
I usually bring Penny to work (a video production house) for at least a half day. I usually close the audio room. This is what happens when I don’t.
Stella rolled in goose poop on our walk… and then tried to eat it out of her fur on the way back inside! Don’t let those puppy dog eyes fool you though, she was not ashamed… only sad mom made her take a bath.
Caught stealing dog toys when the snow melted
I ate a slug, vomitted up my dinner on my bed, and then re-ate the dinner before mum could clean it. Not sorry 🙂
Editor’s Note: Depending on your geographical location, slugs and snails may be poisonous to your pups. Please consult your vet if you think your dog may have ingested a slimy critter.
I was being walked on a nice Seattle day, and I saw a couple young kids with bags from Popeye’s Chicken. I decided I should get my leash tangled around the smallest one, and when my owner was busy trying to untangle us, I made a mad dash for the chicken.
There is no reward without risk, and the spicy chicken bites were well worth the risk.
I am a Freak! I humped 2 window salesmen in 1 week.
I fall off the couch onto my hippo squeaky toy and scare myself!!
I’m not ashamed, but i could use some help with my balance”
I also fall off of beds and other things,… I’m way too big for being a few months old
We left the house to go to dinner. We were only gone for 40 minutes or so, and we came home to this… My boyfriend and I had a good laugh when we walked in the door. Rhea didn’t get in trouble at all, but she still looked so sad 🙁