Rigby helped himself to a nice sirloin steak off the counter. It was cooked and tasty. He usually stays down but couldn’t resist this time.
The Game was Rigby’d

Rigby helped himself to a nice sirloin steak off the counter. It was cooked and tasty. He usually stays down but couldn’t resist this time.
My name is Choko and I like to bite me and lick me a lot.
“I ate my mom’s go-to black heels.”
Tucker is a beagle-lab mix who likes to counter-surf when his humans are not looking. This time he overestimated how hungry he actually was. “I ate a box of donuts and a loaf of bread. Now I have a tummy ache :(“
0 days since Sophie shredded a magazine
I ate the top tray of my mom’s Invisalign. She says that’s gonna come back to bit me in the…
Mom told me not to roll in poop — so I ate it. . . Then kissed the vet tech…
Our little boy loves to chew on shoes. But ONLY mommy’s. He has an expensive taste.
Our Mastiff-Lab mix, Maisy, kept sneaking away and chewing up My Little Ponies! After many casualties, we were able to figure out where she was getting them from! We hid them, but not before we took a dog shaming picture…
I rolled in mystery animal poop in the backyard just a few days after getting professionally groomed.