If the birds don’t eat the tomatoes, he does.
I saw red

If the birds don’t eat the tomatoes, he does.
Welcome baby Max to the dogshaming family! He arrived on April 17th weighing in at 7lbs4oz. He’s quiet and content, but not as furry as some members of the family would have wanted. Mom and dad are recovering nicely. It’s true what they say, it’s easier the second time around! If you’d like to see a few more pictures of Max, click here!
Diego was sprayed by a skunk then hopped in my husband’s truck and rubbed himself all over the front seat. My husband had a rental for 5 days while his truck was being detailed. Luckily for my husband it came out, but unfortunately for Diego when his nose gets wet I can still smell a hint of skunk.
Charlie couldn’t help stealing my Dad’s birthday chocolate. This daughter didn’t put her dogs away to leave the house with the birthday boy.
I woke up this morning, got my coffee, and sat in the chair to watch the news. Cruuunch! I sat on eggshells that Miss Jazz drug from the trash into the living room as a midnight snack.
Ollie does not like to take baths. Ever! He works hard on that smell- choosing the smelliest things he can find on the beach to roll in and then letting those smells marinate. So needless to say it is total drama when it’s time for a bath. This time he got me! As soon as I picked him up he made sure I needed a shower first đŸ˜‰
I went on a date without Trooper. This is what I came home to. He pulled the trim off the door.
Annabelle gets mad when she can’t go to work with her mommy…
I snore louder than a grown man.
My name is Pepper and last night I jumped on the bed and immediately puked between my humans’ heads.