I never really liked the UPS man anyway. He rings the doorbell and runs away. So when I had the chance to grab his cookies from the counter I did. And I’d do it again (everytime).
Christmas Cookie Shame

I never really liked the UPS man anyway. He rings the doorbell and runs away. So when I had the chance to grab his cookies from the counter I did. And I’d do it again (everytime).
“I have an open-door policy. I clawed this antique one until it opened. You’re welcome.” – Lou
Lou is a rescue dog who did this on her first day alone in the house. All doors have remained open ever since.
My name is Gus, petrified wood is delicious.
You’ve inspired us, so that even the people got shamed in our house this year.
Lady’s: “I tried to eat 5 kittens my parents rescued from the cold”
Annabelle: “I’m actively trying to kill my dad, by standing behind him at all times.”
Owen’s: “I like to chase squirrels, rabbits, and cars”
Mom’s: “I’m addicted to thrift stores”
Dad’s: “I have a moustache” (he is the most ashamed of us all)
Editor’s note: THIS IS AWESOME! I hope you folks had a good holiday! Happy New Year and happy shaming!!
Looking for Christmas cheer? I stuck my nose up Kristine’s skirt while she was trimming the Christmas tree. p.s. I have no shame! Hank
Hank, a three-legged Australian Shepherd mix, is our beloved office dog. He is a perfect gentleman, aside from his habit of sticking his nose up ladies’ skirts.
Charles is jealous when I am looking on my computer at dogshaming so he decides to lay on the computer to block my view!
I chew through seat belts in the car. Appropriately named Weimararner “Diesel” loves nothing more than chewing through the back seat belts in the car. He does it again, he’s a living room rug!
This is Jack, my 6 year old German Shepherd. He has an odd obsession with rocks. This one he is particularly fond of; he carried it over 3/4 of a mile from the creek at the dog park back to my car and brought it home. He even cuddles with it on the couch, and if the cats get too close when it’s on the floor, he barks and chases them off!
You threw a tennis ball…
…I brought back a hula hoop
Helen is currently staying at the Animal Care & Control Team shelter in Philadelphia, PA. As a volunteer, I try to get her out as often as possible so she doesn’t go stir crazy. She adores toys, so we were playing ball. She chased the tennisball, but delivered a hulahoop to my feet instead! No shame; she was quite proud of herself for finding it. Helen would love a family who enjoys playing as much as she does. She’s young, but not a mouthy jumper at all! If you want to know more about me, click here!
Mulligan made his dog shaming debut on December 7, 2012. One month later our little hound dog is going to his forever home where he will have a (four-legged) big sister and big brother. He is also looking forward to stealing toys from his new human baby! Thanks Dog Shaming for your part in helping Mulligan find his match! Mulligan hopes that his other buddies at A.A.R.F. all find families as great as his!