I chew the faces off my toys. I’m not sorry. Lando xoxo
My friend gave Lando this rubber pig for his 2nd birthday. He chewed its face off within the hour.
No Toy is Safe

I chew the faces off my toys. I’m not sorry. Lando xoxo
My friend gave Lando this rubber pig for his 2nd birthday. He chewed its face off within the hour.
So glad to be home! We missed our pooches so much on our honeymoon.
Archer (the cutest Husky/ Germain Shepard mix puppy alive) thinks mom needs to spend more time with him and less time turning on her computer to take her final..
Vern hides behind his big sister Schatzie when he get’s scared. Schatzie is a nine year old, 12 pound, paralyzed dachshund. Vern is a 60 pound, two year old red bone coon hound!
Even though there are multiple dog beds in the house (including one right next to the couch), Riley chooses to force his way onto the couch in the middle of the night – despite attempts to keep him off by putting stools on it.
How can that be comfortable??????
I peed on the snowman..
Is he still looking at me?
Chloe the Westie is a repeat offender when it comes to mud beards. On the left she was only 8 months old and on the right she is 3 years old. She loves diving head first into mud puddles and digging for worms. She does not, however, like the bath that follows her playtime.
I normally take Tank with me every where I go, until this! I went to the store to get some dinner and returned to my emergency break chewed apart. It cost be 500 dollars to fix and the mechanic got a good laugh.
Simon has always blessed us with the air from his bowels. But today he ripped a big one and walked out of the room. For this he must be shamed.
I got my 4 year old Shih Tzu another toy….again… First thing he does it destroy it and then make sure it no longer squeaks! This is one of his many victims. He still plays with the head to this day. However the head has no stuffing either.