My name is Lily and I am an unrepentant doughnut thief!
Lily-Livered Thief

My name is Lily and I am an unrepentant doughnut thief!
My name is Kendrick. I like to eat cat poo I find in the backyard and then throw it up on the rug.
We had to take Nicholas to the emergency vet for an allergic reaction that made his whole face swell up. The likely cause: Nicholas likes to eat bees. Now he has to take Benadryl every day.
Fran enjoys a tasty pair of glasses anytime we forget to hide them.
I tore apart my person’s foam pillow to make myself a nice “dog nest” to sleep in on my people’s bed
I chewed through the cord of my humans’ brand new iron… While they were sleeping
I ate my sister’s Benefit Cosmetics and now my poop is pretty.
If there is deer poop, without a doubt my German Shepherd/ Yellow Lab mix Ranger will find it and roll in it before I even know what’s going on. I’ve given him 2 baths in the span of 10 minutes before.
We rescued a wee kitten 3 days ago, Zoe is 10 weeks old and full of energy, our 7 year old Border Collie, Murphy is terrified of her.
As I placed my fresh omelet on the table, I turn around to get some water, when I turn back twas GONE